Life Changing Benefits Of Qutting Smoking

What are the most important benefits of quitting smoking?

Is it worth it to smoke after all?

We gonna answer those questions and more right here and now. So join us.

Every time you light up a cigarette, you put yourself more at risk of the many harmful effects associated with smoking.

Whether it be lung cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or more, there is an endless number of reasons for you to put that last cigarette out for good.

But what are the benefits?

The risks have been numerated time and time again by a number of health sources, but the benefits of smoking sometimes fall to the wayside.

Here are some of the best benefits of quitting smoking, one of these must convince you finally to quit.

When Can You Expect to Start Seeing the Benefits?

The good news is, you can expect to start seeing benefits from quitting smoking in as little as one hour.

The bad news?

You may be distracted by the not-so-good feelings that come along with quitting smoking.

For those who are dependent on nicotine, quitting smoking also comes along with the unpleasant feelings called withdrawal.

What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking?

Benefits of quit smoking coming along with withdrawal symptoms, but do not let this deter you.

Withdrawal symptoms can start within a few hours of your last cigarette or up to three days later.

The time at which withdrawal symptoms begin to appear can also be affected by the smoking cessation method you have chosen.

They may present themselves as:

  • nausea
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • trouble concentrating


Don’t let the symptoms of withdrawal discourage you from reaching your goal.

The negative effects will start to subside within two to four weeks of quitting.

Once this happens, you’ll be able to really feel the benefits of being smoke-free and your chances of staying quit will be much greater.

1.Physical Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Within just a few days of quitting smoking, your body will start to recover from the ill-effects that come from nicotine addiction.

Your sense of taste and smell will start to come back first, and food will start to taste better.

After a few days, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops almost completely back to normal.

If you’ve been experiencing shortness of breath or coughing from smoking, the reduction in carbon monoxide levels will start to make these symptoms subside over time.

Within one year after quitting, your lung capacity will greatly improve.

When this happens, exercise becomes much easier and enjoyable when you’re not gasping for breath.

If you need a quick pick-me-up when you’re in the throes of nicotine withdrawal, try going for a quick walk or bike ride.

You’ll be amazed at how good you feel when you can breathe fresh air during physical activity.

2. Skin Benefits After Quitting

Your skin goes through a gradual process of dulling and aging after you pick up your first cigarette.

Smoking makes the skin look yellow, dull, wrinkled, and aged.

It also makes the skin dry and significantly more susceptible to weather damage.

When you quit smoking, your skin returns to its original radiance over time.

It recovers its elasticity, brightens, and smooths out, making it much more pleasant to the touch and easy on the eyes.

If you’re looking to speed up the process of returning your skin to its natural glory, trying adding Vitamin C to your diet.

You can speak to your dermatologist for other safe ways to accelerate the improvements to your skin after quitting smoking.

And this is only the beginning of the benefits of quitting smoking!

3. Lung Benefits After Quitting

When you stop smoking, the healing begins in your lungs almost immediately and continues for years to come.

Once you’ve quit smoking, the carbon monoxide begins to gradually exit your bloodstream.

This action alleviates the feelings of shortness of breath and coughing and encourages your lungs to begin functioning normally.

When you smoke cigarettes, the toxic chemicals inside the cigarettes irritate your airways and cause damage to your lungs.

When you quit, you are no longer breathing in these toxic chemicals and your airways can begin to heal themselves.

Quitting also reactivates and encourages the healing of cilia.

Cilia is the delicate hair-like structures found on the lungs that help move bacteria and mucus and clear the lungs.

Within the first year of quitting smoking, cilia begin to function normally and you will notice your lungs and throat become much clearer.

4. Benefits of Quitting Smoking to the Heart

Your lungs and skin aren’t the only organs that benefit from quitting smoking.

Within twenty minutes of quitting, your heart rate drops back down to normal.

After one year since your last cigarette, you cut your risk of heart disease to half that of a smoker’s.

The benefits of quitting smoking to your heart are innumerable.

The risk of heart disease and cardiovascular death are reduced to 50% of what they were as a smoker.

The risk of heart disease continues to decrease for years to come after quitting, and the risk of blood clots decreases along with it.

5. Benefits to the Immune System

Since smoking wreaks such havoc on your health, it only makes sense that quitting will provide innumerable benefits to your immune system that begin to take place in just days or weeks after quitting.

When you smoke for any amount of time, your immune system is compromised and you have less of a chance of successfully fighting colds, viruses, and illnesses.

When you quit smoking, the inflammation in your body caused by smoking also reduces, thus boosting your immune system.

6. Benefits to Your Bones and Muscles

One of the most surprising benefits of quitting smoking is the improvement of the bones and muscles that former smokers experience.

Many former smokers report that they were stronger after quitting smoking.

The additional oxygen added to your bloodstream after quitting also strengthens your muscles and makes them healthier.

Former smokers can also count on their bone mineral content and bone mineral density improving, meaning that they are at less risk for bone disease and disorders like osteoporosis.

This improvement can also lead to a reduced risk of bone breaks and fractures from the time you quit smoking and for years afterward.

Final Thoughts about Benefits of Qutting Smoking

As you can see, there are an innumerable amount of benefits of quitting smoking to the body, skin, heart, immune system, and more after quitting smoking.

Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Benefits beginning in as little as one hour from your last cigarette;
  • A significant reduction in shortness of breath and coughing habits;
  • A return to your skin’s natural radiance after quitting;
  • A regrowth of cilia and detoxification of the bacteria caused by smoking in your lungs;
  • A stronger immune system; and
  • Stronger bones and muscles for life.


If you’re on the fence about quitting smoking or have been considering giving it another try, now is the time.

No matter how many times you’ve tried in the past, the time that counts is the one that lasts!

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