Best Stop Smoking Methods

Ready to make the final leap and quit smoking for good?

Whether it’s your first try or your one-hundredth try, there are a million stop-smoking methods out there to help you accomplish this worthy goal.

We’ve compiled a list of the most effective methods to help you kick this harmful and expensive habit to the curb. Here’s to your health and wallet!

Natural Aids

Herbal cigarettes are a fairly recent addition to the roster of quitting solutions.

These safer alternatives to cigarettes have a great many benefits and are proven to be an effective way for smokers to kick their nicotine habit.

Since herbal cigarettes don’t contain nicotine, switching to these alternatives will help to detoxify your lungs and organs of the harmful effects of nicotine and tobacco.

The act of smoking also helps assuage the nicotine cravings that can be intense during the initial days after quitting.

Once the physical addiction is gone, it will be much easier to stop smoking for good.

Alternatively, you can stick with herbal cigarettes, since they are said to be good for digestion, relaxation, and guard against winter colds.

Cold Turkey- quick method to stop smoking

Unlike other methods that decrease nicotine consumption gradually over time, cold turkey means that one day you immediately cut off all nicotine use.

Often lauded by experts as being the most effective method used to stop smoking for good, it is not without its difficulties.


Quitting any substance cold turkey, particularly one that causes dependency, can trigger withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • mild depression
  • anxiety
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • appetite changes
  • general feelings of irritability


While withdrawals can feel overwhelming and difficult to overcome, there are quite a few benefits to quitting cold turkey.

You’ll be free of the harmful habit and it’s ill-effects sooner rather than later.

Also, your withdrawal symptoms won’t last as long because you’ll be experiencing them all at once instead of gradually over time.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy, or NRT, is the umbrella term for quitting smoking methods like the nicotine patch, gum, lozenges, and similar replacements that give smokers the dose of nicotine they’re craving without the harmful chemicals that come alongside smoking a traditional cigarette.

With NRT, the potency of the nicotine gradually decreases over time.

Eventually, a former smoker will no longer be addicted to nicotine and can maintain not smoking, even in trigger situations, without the need for a nicotine replacement.

This method has been proven successful time and time again, and it’s easy to see why.

A constant stream of nicotine being released into the bloodstream is effective at counteracting nicotine cravings that can pop up out of nowhere and encourage a smoker to have ‘just one.’

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is especially helpful to have on hand in situations where you used to smoke, such as at parties, bars, on your work lunch break, or when you’re spending time with another smoker.

When you bring your Nicotine Replacement Therapy with you to your trigger situations, you have a much better chance of resisting the inevitable urges and remaining well on your way to being a non-smoker.

Prescription Medication For Stop Smoking

Prescription medications like Zyban and Chantix can be a godsend when it comes to quitting smoking.

These medications shut off the nicotine receptors in your brain, making the act of smoking no longer a pleasurable experience.

They also help to take the edge off nicotine withdrawal so you are less likely to give in to your cravings.

These medications can be used alone or in conjunction with Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Together, the prescription medication combined with NRT helps combat cravings and make the prospect of a cigarette seem less appealing.

Although no method is perfect, long-term success rates for these medications are optimistic.

Talk to your doctor about which of these medications is best for you.


If you want a way to curb cravings but are hesitant to try medication or Nicotine Replacement Therapy, acupuncture is a natural way to accomplish your goals.

Acupuncture has been known to curb nicotine cravings and can assist with the anxiety, depression, and irritability associated with the beginning stages of withdrawal.

Acupuncture focuses on pressure points dependent on the specific reason for treatment.

For the purpose of suppressing nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms, acupuncture is concentrated on the ear.

In between acupuncture treatments, you can use what are called ‘ear seeds’ on your own.

This mild form of acupuncture can be used at home and applies pressure to specific points along with your ear in order to get the intended acupuncture effects.


You may have heard rumors in the past that hypnosis is useful in quitting smoking.

While everyone has their own opinions on the efficacy of hypnosis if you’re looking for a natural way to quit smoking it’s worth a shot.

What have you got to lose?

Hypnosis guides the hypnotized into what’s known as an altered state of awareness.

Most folks under hypnosis appear to either be asleep or in a relative trance.

Hypnosis is used frequently for a variety of issues including treating post-traumatic stress disorder, speech therapy, and of course, addiction.

Typically, during a hypnosis session, the patient will be asked to picture the unpleasant side effects that arise from smoking.

The hypnotist may also make suggestions such as the smoke tastes or smells bad, thus reinforcing the idea that smoking is an unpleasant and undesirable habit.

If you do choose to follow the hypnosis route, be sure you do your research and see a hypnotherapist that is qualified, licensed, and trained.

So, what is the best method to stop smoking?

When it comes to stop smoking methods, there is no best way to quit smoking.

What worked for you might not work for a friend, and it could take a few false starts before you find the method that helps kick the habit for good.


While quitting smoking for good can be a frustrating process, the health benefits and money you save will be worth it.

The most important thing to remember is to keep trying until you find the method that works for you.

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