Top 3 Natural Methods to Stop Smoking

natural methods to stop smoking

According to the CDC, more than half of adult smokers have reported trying to quit smoking cigarettes in the past year. Most often smokers make multiple attempts at quitting before they find a method that works for them. Quitting smoking can be quite the daunting task, due to the highly addictive nature of cigarettes.


While cigarettes do relieve anxiety symptoms and provide a calming sense of routine in certain individuals, quitting smoking is necessary as it can lead to serious health problems later in life. There are many ways to stop smoking from sheer willpower to prescribed medicines. It can be extremely difficult to figure out which one is right for you. Today we will discuss some natural ways to quit smoking, how to start each of them, and why they might be the perfect choice for you.


Why Use Natural Methods to Stop Smoking?


Quitting smoking is more than just a change of habit, it’s a change of lifestyle. Many medicines, patches, and gums will help you cut the habit initially, but once you stop using them it can be easy to get back to smoking as you haven’t made the necessary lifestyle changes to make quitting sustainable for you.


Natural methods to stop smoking will help you take the steps to change your lifestyle, so you no longer need cigarettes. They also come with a cheaper price tag than many of the products on the market to quit smoking.


#1 Switch your Diet Plan


Quitting smoking is often associated with weight gain and unhealthy eating habits, but it doesn’t have to be this way! In fact, a change of diet is one of the many natural ways to quit smoking. There are many foods you can incorporate into your diet to make the process of quitting much easier.


Did you know that smoking cigarettes regularly can actually drain your body of nutrients? Smoking blocks the absorption of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and calcium. So, if attempting to quit smoking, try eating foods rich in these nutrients, which means incorporating more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Sweet fruits such as berries and grapes are great for this because they can also help with the sweets cravings that often come with quitting smoking.


Since your hands and mouth are no longer occupied with cigarettes, smokers trying to quit commonly feel the need to snack throughout the day. Try low calorie snacks such as popcorn which allow you to fulfill this need without binging on junk food.


Lastly, many smokers report that drinking milk or consuming other dairy products make cigarettes taste unpleasant. So, if you’re having difficulty quitting, try drinking a glass of milk before smoking, and see if it changes your experience.


#2 Find a Buddy

natural methods to stop smoking

Finding a friend who is going through the same thing can have a huge impact on your quitting journey. We typically have much more success in reaching our goals when we have a support system to lean on and keep us accountable, and the same goes for quitting smoking. The power of the buddy system is the very reason that groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous exist. Overcoming any addiction is an extremely difficult task, and when you have a friend to talk to who understands your struggle and can help you through it, you’ll be much more successful in the long run.


#3 Try Acupuncture


Acupuncture is the process of puncturing the skin with extremely thin needles to relieve symptoms of various conditions. Expert acupuncturists can target specific areas of the body based on the issue their patients need help with.


Pressure points in the ears are known to be an effective way to curb cravings, so many smokers seek acupuncture to receive this treatment as one of the natural methods to stop smoking. This is so effective that there is a written protocol by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association on this ear suppression points treatment.


While this method will help reduce nicotine cravings, it is important to pair it with the lifestyle changes mentioned above for long-term success.


Other Natural Methods to Stop Smoking at Home


While the three methods listed above are great natural ways to quit smoking, they might not be perfect for you. Luckily, there are so many natural methods to stop smoking that you are bound to find something that works.


For example, smoking herbal cigarettes helps many people quit initially since it still provides the satisfaction of smoking without nicotine or tobacco. Herbal cigarettes can be a great steppingstone to stop smoking but is not recommended as a long-term solution as smoking anything long-term can cause serious health issues. Other people claim that chewing crunchy vegetables or toothpicks help fulfill the oral fixation on smoking.



The most important thing to keep in mind is that this is your journey, and you should choose whatever works best for you. It is not an easy journey, but combining these natural methods to stop smoking and essential lifestyle changes will make it go a lot smoother.



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